If you have further questions please review our FAQs below.
We have listed some common FAQs below. However, if you don’t find the answer you are looking for please contact us
Please check your spam filter or junk mail, as some systems (especially military firewalls) block attachments.
In any case, please feel free to contact us and we will manually resend your quote to you.
Visa, MasterCard and American Express (including Government credit cards).
Payment by credit card in advanced unless alternative arrangements are approved in advance.
In some cases we can accept purchase orders. Please contact us to apply for this facility in advance of placing your order.
Yes, we accept all Government credit cards.
Yes. Your discount will automatically be applied to your quote, provided you selected the “Government” option in the “organization type” drop down box on the quote form.
Yes. Your discount will automatically be applied to your quote, provided you selected the “Education” option in the “organization type” drop down box on the quote form.